12 April 2009

Phil, Selissa, Morgan, Derek, and Ava came to visit this weekend!!!
---Brittany, Wynn and Elaina ---
---Kizzie, Andy, Avery and Jack--- came too!!!

We had a great time!!!

We went to General Conference on Saturday April 4th,
the first session we attended in the Salt Lake Tabernacle!

The second Saturday Session we attended in the Conference Center!

24 March 2009

Left - Chicken Eggs, some are green some are brown and some are white!

Right - Our ducks started laying a couple of weeks ago. They have big yummy eggs!
Grandma and Clarence.
He is 12 days old and jumps in my lap every time I sit down in the shed.
He likes to bite fingers. It doesn't hurt!
He like to suck ear lobes too....especially Camilles and Jills.

23 March 2009

This is Camille and Eliza.
Eliza is two days old in this picture.
She was born to Mildred "Millie" on March 17th, 2009. The GOAT BABIES are REALLY FUN to watch!
They jump around and play on the logs.
I hope you can all come see them soon!!!
We have GOAT BABIES!!!
This is Gertrude, we call her Trudy.
She gave birth to Clarence on March 12th, 2009